GHA’s Children’s Day Fun Fair Never Disappoints
27th May of every year is marked as Children’s Day in Nigeria and is dedicated, as other countries, to celebrating children all over the world and also for adults to remember their childhood experiences.
Children, on these days, engage in social activities like excursions to parks and other recreational centres.
In Great Heights Academy, as it is customary every year, the best fun fair for the children is organized by bringing to their doorsteps whatever they would see in the parks, right in the school.
In this year’s event, miniature trains and towering bouncing castles were deployed to the school and the children were over the moon throughout the day as they utilized those equipment.
Others were games such as: bowling, water bottle challenge, bean bag slot, aiming at the object and a host of others.
There were also edibles from accredited vendors around the school to give the students the feel and experience of any park around and to make them feel loved as they are special and God’s gifts to the world.